Reflexology in Bromley
Rebecca Brown

Hot Stone Reflexology
Stones have been used in ceremonies and treatments since around 1500BC and have been connected with the Incas, the Shang Dynasty in China and ancient Egyptians. The combination of warmth and massage relaxes the body at its deepest level and the subtle energies of stones calm the senses, reduce muscle tension and promote a meditative state.
The heat from the stones penetrates to a deeper level and may reach up to 7-8 cms into the superficial layer of muscle; bringing about physiological changes and changing the body's energy flow.
The stones are very grounding given that they are made from basalt, an igneous rock which is a natural product of the Earth. Basalt is an ideal substance as it retains heat for long periods of time due to its density and smoothness.
In terms of what to expect from a hot stone treatment, the routine itself is similar to a regular reflexology treatment, except the relaxation is generally at a much deeper level. I have a mobile heater bag which heats the stones on the go - all I need from you is a socket to plug them in so they can carry on being heated throughout the treatment.